Introducing the Credit Card Offers Database: An App-O-Rama Resource

Recently, I’ve spent quite a bit of time putting together a database of hundreds of credit card offers in what I hope is an easily searchable format. It presents the most relevant information that you look for in a card offer when determining its suitability for inclusion in an app-o-rama: namely, the intro purchase rates and periods, intro balance transfer rate and periods, the associated intro balance transfer fees, as well as whether there is a signup bonus.This is still a work in progress, perhaps not even worthy of a “beta” tag, but I would welcome any feedback at this point, including any errors you may find. If enough people find it worthwhile, I can spend some time maintaining as well as adding to it.

You can find the credit card offers database here.


  • Nice work! Did you use any special plugins to allow you to run your app inside wordpress?

  • ccwatcher

    Thanks for the compliment. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any applicable plugins, but it’s not that involved.

  • I’ve looked at a couple of plugins that allow running PHP and use one for another site I have so I was curious if you just hacked a page or used one of the ‘wrapper’ plugins for WP.

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