Blue Cash Unlimited Rewards Caveat

The other day I wrote about how Amex has lifted spending caps on its Blue Cash card, making it more attractive for big spenders. Well, before you run out and get one, there is an important caveat to note. In the latest Blue Cash statement is the following verbiage (bolded for emphasis):

Using the Card Effective with billing periods beginning on or after September 1, 2006, the following sentences are added to the end of the second paragraph of the Using the Card section of your Agreement: “A maximum of 3 Additional Cards are permitted on your Account. You agree to use the Account only for legitimate purchases of goods and services for personal, family or household purposes.

Since I suspect that a lot of the big spenders would be putting business spending on the card, this is an important restriction. How Amex would actually police this is another matter.

One comment

  • Thanks for pointing this out. I have a friend who just signed up for it. He has a couple of adult (living at home – don’t ask) children and was looking to give them each a card along with his wife. I don’t think he saw this fine print…

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