Get a $20 Starbucks eGift Card for $10 with Visa Checkout

Starbucks / Visa CheckoutFor a limited time, when you buy a Starbucks eGift Card of at least $10, you’ll get an additional $10 in credit when you pay with Visa Checkout. For example, if you spend $10, you’ll get a $20 gift card. Or you can spend $20 to get a $30 gift card. This offer is valid for the first 325,000 customers between May 3 and May 17, 2016. Limit one bonus per person.

Note: The bonus won’t be reflected at checkout but will be confirmed in your email receipt. This is an unfortunate way to do things, as there’s no way to tell if the bonus is still available until after you’ve made the purchase. As of the time of this post, the offer was still valid, but it’s unknown how much longer supplies will last. It’s safe to say, though, that this deal is going fast. For more info, see this link. (HT to SD)

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