Use That College Credit Card Wisely: Advice for Parents and Students

With tuition rates soaring and student loans harder and harder to come by, the last thing today’s college student needs is a mountain of unsecured credit card debt to add to the pile. According to Nellie Mae, a major student loan corporation, the average college senior now carries over $2800 in credit card debt, and two thirds of today’s college graduates come out with over $20,000 in combined student loan and credit card obligations. Add graduate school to that and the numbers double or even triple.
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$100 Statement Credit For Citi Student Cards Referrals

This is a targetted offer, so unfortunately you’re out of luck if you didn’t receive the e-mail. According to this thread at FW, you might be solicited for this offer if you already have a Citi Student card. Basically, for each person you refer that applies and is approved for a Citi Card for College Students through the link provided in the e-mail, you’ll receive a $100 statement credit, up to a maximum of 5 approved accounts.

Your referrals must apply by October 31, 2006 to qualify.