Bye Bye, No Fee Discover Balance Transfers

Alas, yet another good offer bites the dust. As of May 1, Discover no longer offers fee-free balance transfers for any of its consumer cards. There is now a 3% balance transfer fee, with a $10 minimum and $75 maximum.

Discover has historically been one of the innovators in the credit card industry. Here’s hoping that this is one trend that does not spread.


  • J Reys


    Do you have a copy of the Terms and Conditions for the Miles Card from last month (promo ending May 2008). This is the one where there are no balance transfer transaction fees. I just applied for this card and they are nailing me with the fees and they needed me to show the Terms i applied with. Silly me, I just bookmarked the page, and now it’s overwritten the latest terms. I would really appreciate it if you can send this to me.

    Thank you.

  • ccwatcher

    Unfortunately I do not have a copy, but perhaps someone else who reads this does and can help you out? Good luck.

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